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hello lovers

Don't think of me as your celebrant, think of me as a translator.
I help transform all of the wonderful feelings, values and memories that are the foundation of your love into a ceremony that represents you.
It becomes an expression of both you as a couple, and of what you want your married life to represent.

Making your ceremony about you!

Everyone loves a love story, right?! 

More importantly, your nearest and dearest love YOUR love story. Whether it is 2 or 200 people sharing your day with you, they want to celebrate the love you have for each other, and the commitment you are making.

My role is to understand your story, and help weave it into your ceremony so that it feels uniquely like you. 

What I promise

I can't promise you will remember every word of your ceremony. In fact, I hope you don't. What I do promise is that you will remember the moments those words evoke. 


The loving glances they inspire, the laughs and engagement of your guests, the happy tears that roll down your cheeks. In 20 years time it is these memories that will last and it is creating these long lasting moments of surprise and delight I enjoy most about marrying people.

What my ceremonies look like

I believe you should decide what is most important to you and your partner when creating your wedding, and that includes the ceremony. So I start with questions. A LOT of questions. Then I start with a blank page and together we work out what you value, what feeling you want to create for yourselves and your guests. 


So if you don't want a wedding that looks like every other wedding, I'm the celebrant for you. Whatever that includes, there is no rule book. Love is about being brave, so let's be brave together.



“Courtney was an absolute gem from beginning to end! It wouldn't have been our wedding without her. Our guests said it felt like she had known us for our entire relationship.” 


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